How to Create a Free Blog with Google Blogger?

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How to Create a Free Blog with Google Blogger?

How to Create a Free Blog with Google Blogger?

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Blogging is easy if you are Blogging with Google's Blogger. You may not know anything about languages that are necessary to create websites like Php, html, JS etc, still you can create a professional blog for free, If you are blogging with the most famous blogging platform by Google.

All you need is good writing skills and you're done.

Blogger A to Z Guide from Creating a Free blog to becoming a Pro
Creating a Blog is also easy with blogger and a blog can be created in just a few minutes with it. But, before you create your Blog. Make sure, that you are aware of on what topic you are going to create your blog, what will be your first Blog's name. 

It is because, once you have created your blog and it becomes famous among your readers, because of your hard work of course. It will not be easy to change that blog URL or name later.

Yes, you can change your Blog's name or URL. It is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. but, it may cost you with a few of your followers as your previous blog name or URL will be popular among your visitors and that new name will take time to gain the same popularity.

To Create your Blog with Google Blogger you just need to follow the below steps:

Visit and Login with your google Account: As we are aware that Blogger is Google's Product and according to Google's terms we are able to manage several Google products with just single Google account. Therefore, you don't need to create any account on Blogger to get started. All you need is to just log in with your google account.

Confirm Your Profile: Thereafter, You'll be asked to confirm your profile. You may continue with your Google+ Account or Instead, Limited Blogger Account and Just click Continue to Blogger.

Create New Blog: You will see, You are not an author on any blogs yet, create one now to start posting! Just, Click Create new blog.

Creating your blog by logging in via Google Account
You will be prompted to choose the Title and Address of your Blog. Whatever Title you will choose, it will be the name of your Blog and Address will be the URL of your Blog. Make sure that the Blog address you may choose for your Blog, it must be available. i.e. If you are trying to create a pre-existing blog. You just can't create one.

Make sure that you choose the best name possible for your blog, that describes the best way possible about the blog you're going to build in near future.

It is because, A blog's Name or URL is its mirror. It gives the idea to the blog reader about the blog. For e.g. If I create a Travel Blog, My Blog's name may be, My Travel Diaries.

Select your best blog name and Address and Best looking theme
Apart from this, There will be a few cool Blogger Themes you may choose for your blog. Blogger has recently updated its theme section and now, There are plenty of official professional looking Blogger themes or templates that are available for free to use on your Blog.

Once you're done with selecting the best Blog title and Address and choosing your Blog's Theme. You just need to click on Create Blog! and it's done.

Happy Blogging 😊

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